Mart? Who is Mart?
Mart is my son. He’s 11 years old.
Five years ago I wrote a song for my boy. He wanted to hijack my first official gig with J.A.N. And wanted to join as the lead-singer of the band. Probably because I was practicing my own songs a lot at home and he had to listen to them all the time. And because of that he could sing along all the lyrics. I was able to prevent it by writing this song for him.
The day after the gig all the residents of Nijhuizum came together to put a timecapsule in the ground. Everyone had written a letter for the time capsule. In the letter they wrote something personal about their family or something about plans for the future. This event was an inspiration for the song.
And my futures plans? I wanted to make a album and release this song as one of the singles. And I can tell you right now. This album is making progress, probably this year.

And this song is coming out in a few weeks.